AEON Imaging

About AEON Imaging

AEON Imaging has a wealth of expertise in industrial camera and image sensor characterization, especially with the international standard EMVA 1288 of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA).

Using this expertise, AEON offers test equipment and measuring services.

Measuring services

With its laboratory equipment, AEON offers detailed assessment of camera and image sensor characteristics according to the EMVA 1288 standard and beyond.
Suitable for actual needs, customers can choose from several standard measurement packages that cover part or all of the measurements required by the EMVA 1288 standard and beyond.

Whatever you have always wanted to know about your camera - we can measure it.

Test equipment

AEON’s camera test devices make accurate measurements according to the EMVA 1288 standard simple and affordable for everyone.
If you want to frequently measure cameras or image sensors that you either develop and manufacture or just want to evaluate, AEON’s turnkey test systems offer all you need. Our test equipment includes automatic datasheet generation, which would otherwise be cumbersome and time-consuming or would need to be done manually
with reduced functionality.